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关蕴怡 Guan Yunyi


video installation



In the video, Guan Yunyi recalls the deaths of her grandparents, uncles and aunts, as well as her life with her family. This is an installation that is closely related to death. After the death of four family members one after another, Guan Yunyi and her parents fell into a panic about death. To overcome this fear, her parents chose to believe in Buddhism and do good deeds on a daily basis, and Yunyi began to worry about the fragility of life.

This is a fog installation. I gathered the fog together and created a fog screen that displays a video projection, and as the video plays, the fog drifts around the pool in a virtual and real way, as if Guan Yunyi is having a dialogue with the souls of her dead family members.

内江对话 - 家族史

Neijiang Dialogue - Family History Series

16 min

 video installation




This is a video dialogue installation that I created with He Lu Xuan and Wu Mao, both of whom are friends of mine from Neijiang, Sichuan province, but they don't know each other. In this video installation, they both share stories about the history of their respective families. Their recollections begin with the oldest family members and continue to their fathers' generation, which is a long history of 100 years. Together, these two families have experienced the fall of the Qing Dynasty, the Republic of China, the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the founding of the New China, the Korean War, the Cultural Revolution, and the Reform and Opening Up. During these turbulent years, the two families went through stormy times and exile. After the deaths of their family members and several political campaigns, they left Neijiang for Xinjiang and Shenzhen, and reconciled with life during the process of reform and opening up, eventually telling the story of the past in a calm manner.

皮金一日GB 拷贝.jpg

 A normal day at Pikine






"A normal day at Pikine" is a documentary short film I shot in Senegal, focusing on a Muslim family in the suburbs of Dakar. The film showcases the household chores performed by each woman in the family and the moments when local women work together to prepare for a wedding feast. Through this documentary, I aim to highlight the toil and burden of domestic labor, which is often overlooked and perceived as light and leisurely work. Additionally, I seek to reveal the oppression and exploitation faced by African women in patriarchal societies, both within the family and in the broader social context.

林汶泽 Wen-Che Lin


 video installation



This is a love-related memoir in which Wen-Che Lin shares the birthdays of his family and dog as well as scenes from the day of his family's birthdays in the video.

I think it's very heartwarming to remember your family's birthdays in your mind, especially in the modern world where tools are so convenient, it's wonderful to be able to remember your family's birthdays and to spend each birthday with them seriously, and we can feel the love that Lam has for his family through this narration.

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